The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability:

All the important/major issues are discussed at large in the meetings of various committees constituted for different purposes, most of them, under the chairmanship of the Principal and a final discussion is taken by the concerned Committee. As regards, supervision, almost all the departments of the College are being supervised by the respective Department Heads under the guidance of the Principal. As far as the supervision of the whole College is concerned, the Principal looks after the same with the assistance of Administrative Officer/ Office Superintendent.

The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions:

Being a central Government institution, the norms set by the Government of India from time to time are being followed by the officers and employees of the College in discharging their duties.

The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions:

The institution do not have its separate rules, regulations, instructions etc. Ours, being a central Government institution, the officers and employees working in this institution are bound to discharge their duties as per rules, regulations and instructions laid down by the Government of India.

A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control:

The College holds the following categories of documents :

1. Recognition Certificate issued by the Indian Nursing Council.

2. Affiliation Certificate with the University of Delhi.

3. Blue Print of the various buildings of the College.

4. Organizational Chart of the College.

5. Admission Criteria approved by the Admission Committee of University of Delhi

6. Proper record of the children having behavioral problems and speech and hearing problems are maintained by the Child Guidance Centre of the College.

The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.:

Being a subordinate office of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the College has nothing to do with making of policies etc. The same are made at the Ministry level.

A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meeting are accessible for public.

The description of various committees constituted at the College level are given as under:

i) Composition of Technical Advisory Committee

1. Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
2. Nursing Advisor to the Govt. of India Member
3. Principal, L.H.M.C. Member
4. Director, Health Services,
(Delhi Administration)
5. 2 Representatives from University of Delhi Members
6. One INC Representative Member
7. One representative from Central Institute of Education, Delhi Member
8. Principal, R.A.K. College of Nursing Member-Secretary
9. Vice-Principal, R.A.K. College of Nursing Member
10. Two Representatives from Teaching Faculty,R.A.K. College of Nursing. Members

ii) General Body Meetings:

General staff meetings are held periodically during the session and deliberations done by the faculty and/or by individual members, and matters requiring faculty vote are considered at these meetings.

iii) Departmental Staff Meetings:

Departmental meetings are held by the teaching staff in each of the departments to plan, organise, implement and evaluate the academic programme. Emergency meeting related to immediate action can be called as per need by the Principal.

iv). Committees facilitating effective management:

A. The committees of the faculty and student groups, function in designated areas of planning and co-ordinating the teaching programmes and advising the Principal on policies and programmes. Interim reports are given at the general staff meetings, and a final report is submitted by each committee at the end of the academic year indicating work accomplished, problems faced and suggestions for future improvement. The various committees are as follows:

B. Academic Committees:

  • *Committee of Courses and Studies in Nursing (Appointed by the University of Delhi)
  • Committee for the Selection of External Lecturers
  • College Council
  • Admissions Committee
  • Correlation Committees : Baccalaureate Nursing Programme
    Post-graduate Programme in Nursing
    M. Phil in Nursing Programme
  • Continuing Education Committee (as per need)
  • *Library Committee
  • Purchase Committee

C. Student Welfare and Co-curricular Activities Committees

  • *Student Welfare and Discipline Committee
  • *Co-curricular Activities Committee
  • *Sports Committee
  • *Mess Committee

(*)Students are co-opted members of these committees.

The purpose of each of the faculty-student committees, and the types of membership established for each of the committee, are as follows:

Committee of Courses and Studies in Nursing:

(Appointed by University of Delhi)



1. Recommend courses, programmes and revision of programmes to the Faculty of Science, University of Delhi.

2. Recommends names of Examiners to the University.


  • Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Delhi - (Ex-officio member and Chairman)
  • Principal of the College (Convenor)
  • Professors in the Department of Nursing
  • One-third the total number of Lecturers in the Department of Nursing or 4 Lecturers of the
  • Department, whichever is less, the Lecturers to be chosen by rotation in order of seniority. One student each from B.Sc. and M.Sc. Nursing programme.

Committee for the Selection of External Lecturers:


Assist the Principal in the selection of External Lecturers from the institutions designated by the Technical Advisory Committee


  • Principal, R.A.K. College of Nursing (Convenor)
  • Vice-Principal, R.A.K. College of Nursing
  • Faculty members in the rank of senior lecturers & above of R.A.K. College of Nursing
  • Coordinator of undergraduate and Post-graduate programmes, R.A.K. College of Nursing
  • Medical Superintendent, Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi
  • Principal, Lady Harding Medical College
  • Director, A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi
  • Principal, University College of Medical Sciences
  • Principal, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
  • Dean, Central Institute of Education
  • Dean, Jamia Milia Islami
  • Principal, Lady Harding Medical College, New Delhi
  • Nursing Advisor to the Government of India,
  • (Directorate General of Health Services,)
  • Principal, Central Institute of Education, Delhi
  • Health Officer, Municipal Corporation of Delhi

College Council:


Consider needs of the College and serve as an Advisory group to the Principal in the administration of the College.


  • All teaching staff in the rank of Senior Tutor and above.
  • Student Advisor (To represent the students)
  • Any other member co-opted by Principal as per need.

Admissions Committee:

Purpose :

Assist the Principal in making provisional admissions of students to various educational programmes according to the rules laid down by the University of Delhi.

Membership :

  • Principal (Chairperson)
  • Vice-Principal,
  • Professor of Nursing
  • One Senior Staff member from each programme
  • One General Educationist
  • Office Superintendent & Dealing Assistant

Correlation Committee:

Purpose :

Assist Principal in smooth implementation of these programmes Functions:

1. Plan, organise and implement theory as well as Clinical experiences, internal assessment and examinations.

2. Prepare Time-Tables

3. Recommend External Lecturers in various subjects

4. Recommend books, equipment and supplies to be purchased.

5. Consider problems relating to implementation of courses and students problems other than courses.

6. Recommend changes in courses or course requirements

7. Plan, organise any other health care programme as per need.

Baccalaureate Correlation Committee


  • B.Sc.(H) Nursing Coordinator (Chairperson)
  • Community Health Nursing Supervisor (Urban+Rural) field experince
  • R.F.T.C. Supervisor
  • B.Sc. 1st year Incharge
  • S.N.A. Advisors
  • Subject Teacher Incharge
  • P.T.I., Librarian, Warden or any other faculty member.
  • Invitee for correlation meeting as and when required.

Master's Correlation Committee:


  • Coordinator (Chairperson)
  • All M.N. Faculty members
  • M. Phil in Nursing -Professor of Nursing(Chairperson) Ph.D - M.Phi./Ph.D faculty members

Library Committee:

Purposes :

Assist the Principal and Librarian in the effective management of the Library

Membership :

  • Senior Librarian
  • Vice Principal
  • Heads of various Departments
  • One member from the office dealing with purchase of books.
  • One student representative from each programme (B.Sc., M.N., M.Phil, Ph.D)

Purchase and Condemnation Committee:

Purpose :

Assist Principal in the planning and follow up work in the purchase of equipment and supplies for the College and Hostel as well as condemnation and replacement of equipment.


  • Administrative Officer
  • Heads of all nursing and allied sciences.
  • Senior Lecturer in Nursing Administration
  • Medical Officer of R.F.T.C.
  • One representative from Child Guidance Clinic
  • Home Sister

Student Welfare and Discipline Committee:


Act as a joint student-faculty consultative committee and assist Principal to solve problems of students' indiscipline and look into welfare of students.


1. Assist Principal in the maintenance of student discipline and professional decorum in the College and Hostel.

2. Plan and organise student welfare programmes

3. Allocate faculty Counsellors for students


Programme Coordinator(s)

  • Teacher-in-charge - B.Sc. Ist year
  • S.N.A. Advisor nominated by the Principal
  • Foreign Student Advisor
  • Guidance and Counselling programme in charge
  • One Senior Hostel Warden
  • Student representatives from the Student Nurses' Association to be co-opted according to the need
  • Any other faculty member may be co-opted/ nominated by the Principal according to need.

Co-Curricular Activities Committee:


1. Assist the student body in planning and organising Co-curricular activities (dramas,picnics,fund-raising e

2.Plan and organise staff co-curricular activities.


  • Student Advisor (s)
  • Programme Coordinator (s)
  • Sports Incharge
  • S.N.A. Executives members
  • Any other member co-opted as per need.

Sports Committee:


Assist the Physical Training Teacher in planning and organising games and sports for the students


  • Physical Training Teacher
  • Two Faculty Members (Nominated by Principal)
  • One student from each programme (B.Sc., M.N. etc.)
  • Students' Sports Secretary

Hostel and Mess Committee:


To Assist the Principal and Hostel Wardens in smooth running of the Mess and Hostel.


  • Warden of Hostels
  • Administrative Officer
  • Nutritionist
  • Student Advisor
  • Two resident staff representatives (Veg. and Non. Veg.)
  • Resident student representatives from programmes i.e.

Bachelor of Science = 4 (one from each year)

Master of Nursing = 2 (one from each year)

Foreign Student = 1


As regards minutes of the meetings of the above mentioned Committees, at present these are not accessible for public.

A Directory of its Officers and Employees :

1. Miss Kalpana Mandal Vice Principal 2643 5397
2. Mrs. Santosh Mehta Senior Lecturer -do-
3. Mrs. Harinderjeet Goyal Sr. Lecturer -do-
4. Mrs. Molly Babu Sr. Lecturer -do-
5. Mrs. Sunita Patney Sr. Tutor -do-
6. Mr. Harish Maheshwari Administrative Officer 26436788
7. Mrs.R. Sivakami Nutritionist -do-
8. Mrs. Shailja Singh Lecturer in Psychology -do-
9. Mrs.Raminder Kalra Sr. Tutor -do-
10. Mrs.Sharda Rastogi Sr. Tutor -do-
11. Mrs. Daisy Thomas Tutor -do-
12. Mrs. Sarita Shokhanda Tutor -do-
13. Mrs. Monika Sharma Tutor -do-
14. Mrs. Madhumita Dey Tutor -do-
15. Ms. Mitali Dey Tutor -do-
16. Mrs. Anugrah Milton Tutor -do-
17. Mrs. Poonam Gupta Tutor -do-
18. Mrs.Usha Phulara Tutor -do-
19. Mrs.Geeta Saifi Tutor -do-
20. Mrs. Neelam Narula Clinical Instructor -do-
21. Ms. Simmi Abha Ekka Clinical Instructor -do-
22. Mrs. Rajshri Panda Clinical Instructor -do-
23. Ms. Shilpa Kumari Clinical Instructor -do-
24. Ms. Jyoti Singh Clinical Instructor -do-
25. Ms. Poonam Clinical Instructor -do-
26. Mrs. Kalpana Morya Clinical Instructor -do-
27. Mrs.Tumpa Roy Clinical Instructor -do-
28. Mrs. D. Shanti Clinical Instructor -do-
29. Mrs. Rita Laishram Clinical Instructor -do-
30. Mrs.Amarjeet Mangal Home Sister -do-
31. Mrs. Shallika Grewal Assistant Home Sister -do-
32. Ms.Dorothy P. Budha Office Suprintendent -do-
33. Mrs.Madhu Joshi Jr. Hindi Translator -do-
34. Mr.Pradeep Kumar Sharma PA to Principal 26435397
35. Mrs.Reshma Bhatnagar Stenographer Jr. 26436788
36. Mrs. Sunita Heer Librarian & Info.Assistant -do-
37. Mr.Som Dutt Sharma Accountant -do-
38. Mr.Govind Singh Mehta U.D.C. -do-
39. Mr.Jagdish Chand U.D.C. -do-
40. Mrs. Seema Bhatnagar U.D.C. -do-
41. Mrs. Sewati Bara U.D.C. -do-
42. Mrs.Vinesh Solanki L.D.C. -do-
43. Ms. Sheela Kumari L.D.C -do-
44. Mr.Manohar Lal Gest. Oprt. Cum Rec. Keeper -do-
45. Mr.Kirat Ram Lab Assistant. -do-
46. Mr.Jai Bhagwan Lab. Assistant -do-
47. Mrs. Sumitra Goela Lab. Assistant -do-
48. Mr.Sh. Mehar Singh Lab. Assistant -do-